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Robyn Townsend Creative Lives Talk

Image Robyn Townsend

The second week’s talk in the Creative Lives series was with Robyn Townsend. I had the pleasure of meeting Robyn in person back in January 2019 when I did a day course of glass casting at the National Glass Centre with her. I enjoyed the day so much I joined up for the next one. But after a double booking I gave the second one to a friend Sue, who loved it so much.

Robyn had completed the same degree I’m currently doing some years ago. And spoke of how she was wanting to be a hot glass artist at the beginning. But her mind soon took her towards working with kiln formed glass when she started working with Jeffrey Sarmiento a former tutor at the University of Sunderland who I luckily had as a tutor in my first year.

Image Robyn Townsend

Robyn has worked with a multitude of materials in her work other than glass. And her skills also include programming the waterjet cutter at the Glass Centre as well as 3D printing and working in the FabLab.

Image Robyn Townsend Records of Humility

Her life in art has taken her in a direction I would never imagined as she now works for Barclays as a Lab Engineer within their Eagle Lab in Newcastle supporting start-up and scale-up business with new product ideas and demystifying industry

image Robyn Townsend Records of Humility

She is keen to learn about new technology when it arises and then teach others. She is an inspiration to who ever she meets. And I am so glad I met her as if not for her and advice on building my portfolio, I may not be studying for my degree now. So, a big THANK YOU Robyn

to find out more about Robyn click on link below

At Robyn’s glass casting class

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